
Primary This is an Alert Box.
Success This is an Alert Box.
Info This is an Alert Box.
Warning This is an Alert Box.
Error This is an Alert Box.
[pl_alertbox type="primary"]
<strong class="alert-heading">Primary</strong>
This is an Alert Box.


× Primary This is an Alert Box.
× Success This is an Alert Box.
× Info This is an Alert Box.
× Warning This is an Alert Box.
× Error This is an Alert Box.
[pl_alertbox type="primary" closable="yes"]
<strong class="alert-heading">Primary</strong>
This is an Alert Box.

With Links

Primary This is an Alert Box with links. Any html can go here.
Success This is an Alert Box with links. Any html can go here.
Info This is an Alert Box with links. Any html can go here.
Warning This is an Alert Box with links. Any html can go here.
Error This is an Alert Box with links. Any html can go here.
[pl_alertbox type="primary"]
<strong class="alert-heading">Primary</strong>
This is an Alert Box with <a href="#">links</a>.
Any html can go here.